Image Courtesy: Kolibri, Learning Equality is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Kolibri has been an integral part of our offline content platform since early 2018. It has significantly helped enhance the teaching and learning experience on the My sCool Server.
With the release of Kolibri v0.12 a host of new features elevate the entire coaching experience to a new level. Some of these features are actionable coach notifications, a completely new coach report information architecture, multiple-group functionality for learners and improved quiz creation and previewing. Details of the same and more are available in the release post.
Multi-lingual Kolibri
Kolibri has been available in several languages for quiet sometime. Those include some Indian languages such as Hindi, Marathi and Tamil. One significant addition that missed the 0.12 major version release was the Gujarati language integration. It eventually made it in the minor version release of v0.12.2 and is now being rolled out to all the MSS users. The Gujarati translation has been contributed by the My sCool Server team at Recherche.
We sincerely hope that the addition of Gujarati will help it to be adopted by several rural schools in the Gujarat region in India. To try out the Gujarati interface experience, one may visit the Kolibri demo website and choose ગુજરાતી as one’s language from the “MORE LANGUAGES” footer link. If you would like to provide any feedback or suggestions to improve the Gujarati translation, feel free to get involved and reach out to our support team for further guidance.
The integrated roll-out
The MSS team has always ensured that the latest from the Learning Equality’s Kolibri kitchen is made available to the MSS users. Hence, herein we announce the integrated release of Kolibri v 0.12.2 along with Gujarati language support on the MSS.
One may update it on their own by connecting the MSS to the internet and executing the following in a Terminal after logging in as user ‘mssadmin’ –
sudo mssupdate repo.myscoolserver.com/fixes kolibri_update
or feel free to reach out to our support team for a coordinated remote update session.